Política de privacidad

Privat Technologies Inc
Last Update: January 2nd, 2023.

At Privat Technologies Inc. we are committed with the protection and respect of your privacy; Because of that; we will:
a)Always keep your personal data safe and private.
b)Never sell your personal information or data.
c)Allow you to manage and review your personal data from the app.
We may update this Policy from time to time and we will provide updates as the Delaware’s Law requires.


PRIVAT TECHNOLOGIES INC. (herein after referredas “PRIVAT”) is a company founded in the State of Delaware, and will be the responsible for processing your personal data for the product or service for which you have registered. PRIVAT has relationships with certain service providers in order to bring our services to you; Financial Institutions; among other services related to “Know Your Customer” requirements and other obligations.


This Policy will apply to your information when you visit or use our Mobile Phone App. This Policy will not apply to online websites that we don’t own or control; all information provided to any third party must be controlled by their respective privacy policy/notice.


In order to provide our product or services to you (herein after the “Services”). We may require from you certain personal information and documents; Also we collect personal data when you use the PRIVAT App; any kind of service available to you through the PRIVAT App.We may also collect your personal data from other people or companies; Through this document we will explain how we collect information from you; for which purposes are going to use it and your rights when we use your personal information/ data.


The types of personal information we may obtain about you (which in some case can be sensitive information) include:·        
-Identifiers such as name, date of birth, postal and email address, and phone number;·        
-Government-issued photo ID, such as a driver’s license or passport;
-Login credentials for your account;
-Certain Financial information, including your account number from our Bank Partners,
-Account transaction history, information about your linked non-Privat accounts (such astransaction information and balances, payroll account information, etc.), and payment card information
-Information included on a tax return you provide;
-Employment information, including occupation, information about your employer, and income details (such as source of income, approximate annual income and how frequently you are paid)
-Physical characteristics, demographic information and similar details (such as sex,gender, race, color, marital or family status, citizenship status, signature,language preference and national origin) present in documents (e.g., IDs, tax returns) you provide
-Commercial information, including interest in a product or service, purchasing or consuming tendencies, and receipts or records of purchase or enrollment in products or services;
-Voice recordings (such as when you call PRIVAT customer services)
-Biometric information (such as a facial image collected for identity verification, if you use certain features of our App)
-Social media handles;
-Information you provide through customer services interactions and that you provide about your experience with PRIVAT, including via questionnaires, surveys, participation in user research or other feedback
-Geolocation data;
-Information provided by marketers and other websites on which PRIVAT advertises;
-Information you provide through contacts integration, including a list of contacts from your phone’s operating system; and
-Other information you choose to provide, such as through our “Contact Us” feature, emails or other communications (such as with member services), referrals, onsocial media pages, or in registrations and sign-up forms.
-Device Information, such as hardware, model, operating system.  


We obtain personal information about you in various ways, such as when you use our Services, communicate with us, or interact with our member services representatives.  In addition, we may obtain information about you when you send or receive payments to or from one ofour members.
PRIVAT will also collect information about you when you:
a) Fill any form;
b) Respond any of our surveys;
c) Register to our app or create anaccount through our website;
d) Use any of the Services;
e) Take part of any online discussion or promotion;
f)  Contactus for any reason;
g) Contact with people in charge of PRIVAT Social media by phone or chat; In addition to the foregoing; we collect certain information in other ways like:
a) Automatically collected info: whenyou access to PRIVAT Services we maycollect certain information such as your IP address, browser type, operating system, etc.
b) Cookies and similar Technologies: we may use cookies technology to collect certain information about how you interact and use our Services; Cookies are stored in your device and allow a better interaction withour services; Although Cookies can be disabled through your browser system; but this may limit the functionability of certain features.
c) We may also collect personal information from publiclyavailable sources, such as government records or publicly available websites.


PRIVAT use your collected personal information to:

-Provide Services in general, perform obligations, under this agreement, carry outrelated business functions, performing data and transaction processing,background check and security concerns, analyzing transactions history orsecurity concerns.
-To develop andimprove, modify, add functions or develop in multiple ways our Services.
-To comply withlegal obligations that apply to the Services we offer to you; to fulfill allobligations related to “Know your Customer” policies, anti-money laundering andanti-terrorism requirements, economic and trade sanctions, due diligence,suspicious activity reporting and related obligations.
-To confirmyour identity, your data provided by you and prevent fraud.
-To confirm aperson’s authority or faculties to represent a user of our Services.
-Send you updates, promotional materials, and other communications related to ourServices.
-To defend our legal rights and the rights of others.
-To investigateany misuse of our Service, including criminal activity. 


PRIVAT may share certain personal information with third parties, which can be:
a) Business Partners and complementary Services.
b) Legal Compliance.
c) Direct Service Providers.
d) Financial Institutions.
e) Payment Networks.
f)  Payment Processors.
g)  User Account Registration and Authentication Services

Your personal information shared with these thirdparties is shared for these reasons:     
-To provide youwith the Services.
-To improve Customer Support.
-“Know Your Costumer Policies.
-Legal Complience and Governmental request.
-To improve our website
-To create anddeliver Cards.
-To send you emails.
-To prevent,investigate, and protect against error, fraud or other criminal activity.


PRIVAT Services, webpage and Apps are not intended for individuals under theage of 18 (herein after “Children”), we do not knowingly collect any Children information, if you are aware that a Children has provided us with their personal information, please contact us.


PRIVAT operatesinternationally and may transfer information to the United States and other countries for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy; the United Stateand other countries may have privacy laws that are different each; and can be more or less protective than. As a consequence of the foregoing if you are located in other country different from United States we may be required to send data to other countries authorities or institutions.


PRIVAT will provide services and communicate with you always in compliance of the Can-Spam Act of 2003, PRIVAT is committed to maintaining a clean and spam-free environment for our Services and communications.This applies to all electronic communications,including emails SMS messages, push notifications, and any other possible electronic messaging, sent on behalf of PRIVAT, covering communications with potential customers, users, and other individuals that have interaction with PRIVAT webpage or App.
-PRIVAT don’t use false or misleading subject lines or email address.·
-We provide clear identification of an advertisement email that comes from us.
-We provide a visible and functional unsubscribe option for opt-out of futureemails.
-Honor a request to unsubscribe within 5 working days.
-Unsubscribing does not require the payment of a fee.


If you used or use our service you have right to access to your information, know which personal Data we have; You have also right to modify your personal information through your account settings or in some specific cases you can write us an email. As mentioned before in this Policy you can opt-out of receiving promotional emails or marketing communications from us.PRIVAT don’t respond for “Don’t track me” signals that come from browsers.


Your non-public information is safe with us, in compliance with the Gramm-Leach Bliley Act we implement safeguards to protect the confidentialityand integrity of the information we collect, because of this we
-Designated a Privacy officer responsible for overseeing how your personal information is threatening.
-Created controls and protocols to mitigate risks in personal data leaks.
-Trained our employees and personal about Personal data and security topics, Disclosure alteration and unauthorized access topics.
-Created a Physical and digital safeguard to protect your personal information from any person not related to PRIVAT or the treatment of your information.


In order to execute any right that comes from this Privacy Policy you can contact us to the following email: support@privat.com


As it is needed and requested by law, from time to time we may update this Privacy Policy if there’s additional information we need to collect or if the purposes have changed, we will notify you through email or through PRIVAT’s App; please check this Policy periodically for any changes.


The following information will be only applied to California residents, as established in The California ConsumerPrivacy Act, as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020.This California Privacy Notice Supplements our Privacy Notice and applies solely to California Residents.

-Categories of Personal Information Collected.

In the last 12 months we have collected the following type of data, we do not collect all categories of personal information for each source; each one provides different type of personal information.

Tipo de información

Información recogida

Cómo se recoge

Información que nos facilita
Nombre, dirección, SNN, fecha de nacimiento, dirección de correo electrónico, número de teléfono, copias de sus documentos de identificación, estatutos, certificados de constitución; país de residencia, residencia fiscal, número de identificación fiscal; fotografía, tal como se exige en algunas políticas de "Conozca a su cliente";
-Al abrir una cuenta PRIVAT -Al rellenar cualquier formulario.
-Al responder a cualquiera de nuestras encuestas
-Al contactar con nosotros por cualquier motivo
-Al utilizar nuestro servicio de atención al cliente
-Al comunicarse con nuestro departamento de Social Media o a través de cualquier medio social.
Información recogida por el uso de nuestros Servicios
Información técnica sobre su dispositivo y protocolo de Internet; información de inicio de sesión, zona horaria, número IMEI, sistema operativo móvil, descargas, errores, duración de su visita en nuestra aplicación, transacciones realizadas con nuestros Servicios, determinada información almacenada en su dispositivo; su ubicación.
El uso habitual de nuestro Servicio a través de un dispositivo móvil o un ordenador.
Información de terceros
Historial de crédito, información sobre pagos atrasados, información que nos ayude a comprobar su identidad, información sobre su empresa o la empresa a la que representa;
El propio Servicio implica ciertas comunicaciones con terceros asociados, redes de pago e instituciones financieras que pueden disponer de su información personal.  
- Finalidades de la recopilación y el uso.

Recopilamos sus datos personales con las siguientes finalidades, aunque no exclusivamente:
-Verificar su identidad.
-Proporcionarle los servicios.
-Desarrollar y mejorar los servicios.
-Cumplir con las obligaciones legales.
-Crear su cuenta.
-Entender su comportamiento de gasto.Comprender y estudiar su comportamiento de gasto.
-Proporcionarle un servicio de atención al cliente.
-Crear campañas publicitarias.
-Interacción en las redes sociales.
-Crear y entregar sus tarjetas.
-Preparar conjuntos de datos privados.
-Proteger su cuenta contra el fraude.
-En caso de que esté de acuerdo, para ofrecerle promociones de nuestros socios.

La base legal del uso de su información personal, proviene de mantener contratos y acuerdos entre usted y la Compañía; obligaciones legales; Políticas de Conozca a su Cliente; obligaciones contra el lavado de dinero, interés legítimo y consentimiento (en algunos casos estamos legalmente obligados a tener su consentimiento para enviarle información sobre productos y servicios).

-Comparticiónde información personal conTerceros.

poder ofrecerle nuestros Servicios es posible que necesitemos compartir sus datos personales con socios que nos ayudan a mantener el Servicio en funcionamiento, procesadores de pagos, redes de pago e Instituciones Financieras;No vendemos ni hemos vendido en los últimos 12 meses ninguna información personal a Terceros.

- Sus derechos en virtud de la Ley de Privacidad del Consumidor de California

a. Derecho a saber: Tiene derecho a solicitar información sobre las categorías y los elementos específicos de información personal que hemos recopilado sobre usted, así como las categorías de fuentes de las que hemos obtenido la información, los fines para los que la recopilamos y las categorías de terceros con los que la compartimos.
b. Derecho de supresión: Tiene derecho a solicitar la supresión de la información personal que hayamos recopilado y conservado, salvo determinadas excepciones.
c. Derecho de exclusión voluntaria: Tiene derecho a optar por no participar en la venta de su información personal si realizamos tales actividades.
d. Derecho a la no discriminación: No le discriminaremos por ejercer los derechos que le otorga la Ley de Privacidad del Consumidor de California, incluyendo la denegación de servicios, el cobro de precios diferentes o la prestación de servicios de calidad diferente.

- Cómo ejercer sus derechos.

Para ejercer los derechos que le otorga la Ley de Privacidad del Consumidor de California envíenos un correo electrónico a support@privat.com; tenga en cuenta que podemos pedirle cierta información para verificar su identidad.

- Información Personal de Menores

Servicios no están destinados a ser utilizados por personas menores de 18 años, no recopilamos ninguna información personal de ninguna persona menor de 18 años; si sabe que algún menor está utilizando los Servicios envíenos un correo electrónico.